Composers Index

Listing works by Cowell, Henry (1897-1965)

American Pipers
Ancient Desert Drone
Concerto Piccolo for Piano and Orchestra
Duo Concertante for Flute, Harp and Orchestra
Edson Hymns and Fuguing Tunes
Fanfare to the Forces of the Latin American Allies
Four Irish Tales (Tales Of Our Countryside)
Hymn and Fuguing Tune No.3
Lines from the Dead Sea Scrolls (A Thanksgiving Psalm)
Little Concerto for Piano and Band
Music for Orchestra
Old American Country Set
Pastorale and Fiddler's Delight
Persian Set
Rondo for Orchestra
Some Music
Symphonic Set Op.17
Symphony No.10
Symphony No.11 (Seven Rituals of Music)
Symphony No.12
Symphony No.15 "Thesis"
Symphony No.16 "Icelandic"
Symphony No.4
Symphony No.5
Symphony No.7
Symphony No.9
Synchrony (Orchesterstück)
The Tender and the Wild
United Music

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