Composers Index

Listing works by Carter, Elliot (1908-2012)

A Mirror on Which to Dwell
Asko Concerto
A Sunbeam's Architecture
A Symphony of Three Orchestras
Boston Concerto
Cello Concerto
Clarinet Concerto
Concertino for Bass Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra
Concerto for Orchestra
Double Concerto for Harpsichord, Piano & Chamber Orchestra
Flute Concerto
Holiday Overture
Horn Concerto
In Sleep, In Thunder
Interventions for Piano and Orchestra
In the Distances of Sleep
Oboe Concerto
Of Rewaking
On Conversing with Paradise
Piano Concerto
Pocahontas Suite
Symphony No.1
The Minotaur Suite
Three Occasions for Orchestra
Triple Duo
Variations for Orchestra
Violin Concerto
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