Composers Index

Listing works by Walton, William (1902-1983)

Anniversary Fanfare
A Shakespeare Suite 'Richard III'
A Song for the Lord Mayor's Table
As You Like It arr. Christopher Palmer
A Wartime Sketchbook arr. Christopher Palmer
Belshazzar's Feast
Capriccio Burlesco
Cello Concerto
Christopher Columbus arr. Christopher Palmer
Coronation Te Deum
Crown Imperial
Façade: An Entertainment
Façade Suite No.1 (1968)
Façade Suite No.2
Funeral March from Hamlet adapted Muir Mathieson
Galop Final orch. Christopher Palmer
Hamlet and Ophelia
Henry V - A Shakespeare Scenario
Henry V Suite
Improvisations on an Impromptu of Benjamin Britten
In Honour of the City of London
Johannesburg Festival Overture
Major Barbara arr. Christopher Palmer
Music for Children
Orb and Sceptre
Portsmouth Point
Prelude from Richard III
Prologo e Fantasia
Scapino Overture
Sinfonia Concertante
Spitfire Prelude and Fugue
Symphony No.1
Symphony No.2
The Battle of Britain
The Quest Ballet Suite
The Twelve
Variations on a Theme by Hindemith
Varii Capricci
Viola Concerto
Violin Concerto

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