Composers Index

Listing works by Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)

4 Etudes
A Sermon, A Narrative and a Prayer
Babel Cantata
Canon on a Russian Popular Tune
Chant du Rossignol
Circus Polka
Concerto for Piano and Wind
Danses concertantes
Divertimento (The Fairy's Kiss Ballet Suite)
Ebony Concerto
Firebird (1910 Complete Ballet)
Firebird Suite (1910) Original version
Firebird Suite (1919)
Firebird Suite (1945)
Fireworks Op.4
Four Norwegian Moods
Greeting Prelude
Jeu de Cartes
Le Faune et la Bergère
Le Roi des Étoiles (The King of the Stars)
Le Rossignol
Les Noces (1917 version)
Ode Triptychon for Orchestra
Oedipus Rex
Petrushka (1911)
Petrushka (1947)
Praeludium for Jazz Ensemble
Requiem Canticles
Scènes de Ballet
Scherzo a la Russe
Scherzo fantastique
Song of the Volga Boatmen
Suite No.1
Suite No.2
Symphony in C
Symphony in Three Movements
Symphony No.1
Symphony of Psalms
The Fairy's Kiss
The Flood
The Rake's Progress
The Rite of Spring
The Soldier's Tale
The Star-Spangled Banner
Violin Concerto

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